This weekend I went to the mountains near Bergamo with about 30 other ERASMUS students and it was AMAZING!! We left on Friday night and drove for 45 minutes up a twisty mountain path that, I have to admit, made me fear for my life a little until we reached a huge Mountain Lodge hotel at the top. As it was pitch black it was impossible to see and also freezing cold so we made our way inside to find our rooms and unpack.
We sat down for a three course dinner (which we had every lunch and dinner time) and got to know our fellow students slightly better. It was then time to grab some drinks and play some games before heading into the 'club' which was a room adjacent to the hotel with lights, table football, seats and most importantly a stage! We stayed up until five in the morning talking to people we didn't really know beforehand until it was impossible to keep our eyes open any more.
Saturday morning, was very chilled with people not getting up until gone 12pm however, as I can't stay in bed that long I went and sat outside with some of the other early risers. As soon as I walked through the door onto the balcony my jaw dropped...
This is what I had missed the night before! The beauty of it was that it wasn't cold and so we could sit and soak up the sun before lunch. It was the loveliest atmosphere I have been in since being here, with everyone telling jokes and laughing. (They way I describe it, it sounds like a scene from The Secret Seven but it was cooler than that.)
At lunch we were each given our own secret challenge that had to be completed by the end of the weekend otherwise you had to walk home...although I am not so sure they were being serious.
After lunch we went for a walk up the mountains which I was completely under prepared for but it was fun nonetheless! They told us it would be close to an hour before we reached the top but in actually fact it was closer to 30 minutes. It was worth it in the end though.
We returned for dinner and then the party games started again along with the dancing. Although at first when we were told 'The dancing happens in the room next door' I have to admit I was a little dubious BUT it was actually perfect for the amount of people we had and lots of fun.
It was sad to leave on Sunday but, eventually it was time to head back to reality and even though we already knew most people before I think it is safe to say that everyone felt that little bit closer as a group.
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