
Sunday, 14 October 2012

Lazy Days.

For three weeks now I have been living in Italy and there is one thing that comes to my attention every day. Italians are the most laid back people in the world! They don't walk with a purpose or speed, their administration systems are completely lacking in organisation (which for an English girl makes everything all the more stressful) , there are no exact plans about what to do or how to do them just a rough idea about what is going on. You get the point. In a way it is nice to know that noone will care if I don't do something right on time but it is also a little frustrating when the only response you receive to questions is 'domani'.

So, being in the spirit of trying new experiences I have decided to embrace the Italian way of life.

Hanging out on Piazza Vecchia like the tourists before heading off for a glass of wine at one of the nearby caffes...somewhere in the world it was past 5pm.

Alcatraz, Milan. A huge warehouse of a nightclub, not exactly my cup of tea but and interesting experience all the same.

Il Fornaio in Citta Alta is literally the best bakery here. You can get pizza the size of your face, fresh sandwiches, pasta dishes or something a little bit sweet if you fancy. It beats a Boots meal deal any day!

The thickest hot chocolate you will ever have will be Italian.

Practising my baking skills like any good Italian girl should! These Slutty Brownies were AMAZING!

And finally lunch of Casoncelli alla Bergamasca with fresh orange juice and Pride and Prejudice to keep me company at Via Tasso Cafe. Pin It

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